Chris Lukezic announces retirement from sport...

In a post on his Twitter account Wednesday night, former Auburn High School standout Chris Lukezic (left/2008 photo by Paul Merca) announced that he was retiring from professional track & field.

Chris, who recently moved from Colorado Springs to the San Francisco area wrote, "Today I'm officially retiring from the sport of track and field! 2 months ago I followed my heart when I joined @airbnb."

I will sincerely miss the sport, but I am excited for the challenges that await."

After graduating from Georgetown University, Lukezic ran professionally for Reebok, and made the 2005 world championship team in the 1500 meter run. He won the 2006 US indoor title, and was a two-time USA junior champ at 1500 meters. hopes to have more on Lukezic's decision to leave the sport soon.
