Sitting here at Heathrow...

What a lovely way to spend Easter Sunday...sitting at London Heathrow Airport's Terminal 1!

Anyway, I am here for six hours, as I am assuming that most of the shops in downtown London are closed for Easter, and I took a shot at trying to catch the 12:30 pm flight to Athens (we landed at 11:50 at Terminal 4), but was about 10 minutes short..oh, well!

I'm scheduled to land at around 1:30 am local time in Athens...this could be an interesting trip to Maya & Dimitris' place...I'm not assuming anything.

Before I leave Heathrow, I will buy a SIM card for the Edinburgh portion of the trip...I've got an unlocked cell phone that will come in handy. I will try and get some work done before the flight to Athens.
