The Olympic flame reaches the top of Mt. Everest...

Courtesy of CCTV, the Chinese state-run television agency, here is footage of the Olympic flame reaching the top of Mt. Everest Wednesday night at 6 pm eastern time (Thursday morning at Mt. Everest).

Despite all the protests that have met the flame as it traveled around the world, the sight of the Olympic flame is one of the most symbolic and inspiring sights in the world...I keep thinking back 12 years ago when the Olympic flame passed by the University of Washington, and I stopped a Club Ballard team practice so my athletes could leave Husky Stadium to see the flame.

I constantly think of the song from the Athens 2004 album, called "Pass the Flame" and one of the lines, which goes:

"Pass the flame, unite the world...bring us all together!"

At the end of the day, that is what the Olympics and sport is all about.
