Bear designated as official mascot of Berlin 2009...

The bear is the symbol of Germany’s capital Berlin. So obviously the mascot of the IAAF’s World Championships, which will be staged in the city from 15th to 23rd August, had to be a bear. Berlin’s mayor Klaus Wowereit presented the mascot to the public in a national TV programme on Thursday evening.

“This sporty and friendly bear fits to Berlin and to the World Championships. He will successfully present the world’s biggest sports event of this year,” said Klaus Wowereit. “This mascot will make people look forward to the World Championships even more. I am sure that athletics fans will like the mascot,” added Clemens Prokop, President of the German Athletics Federation DLV.

By presenting the mascot organisers also started a public search for the name of the bear. Any suggestions are welcome and can be put forward on the web page of the local organising committee at:

NOTE: The IAAF contributed to this report.
