Here's the list of athletes with Washington ties qualified to compete at the US Olympic Trials...

Isaiah Harris of the Brooks Beasts, who was a member
of the USA world championship team in 2023,
is qualified for the Trials in the 800 meters, and
owns the Olympic standard (Paul Merca photo)

With one week to go before the start of the US Olympic Track & Field Trials at Hayward Field on the campus of the University of Oregon, here is a list of the athletes with Washington ties who have qualified for, and have been accepted into the Trials.

Next to the event name in parentheses are the automatic and the minimum standards to get into the Trials. The second set of parentheses indicate the field size, followed by the number of rounds.

In the men's 800, the first set of marks (1:46.30/1:47.50) indicate the automatic and minimum qualifying mark needed to enter, while the second set (36-3) denotes that the minimum field size is 36 athletes needed to run 3 rounds.

Everyone listed has been accepted into the meet, with the exception of Washington State pole vaulter Eva Lowder, who is currently the first vaulter to get into the meet should one of the declared athletes in front of her withdraws.

As of 6 pm Pacific time Friday, Lowder was the first athlete in the women's pole vault not accepted into the meet. It is possible that her status could change before June 28th, which is the day that the women's pole vault qualifying round is contested.

The list is below:

Next week, we will publish for our premium patrons who support the site through the "Buy Me A Coffee" link a daily guide of Washington athletes competing at the trials.

If there's any omissions, errors, etc.,  please don't hesitate to let us know.

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